Parking Cards Going Hi-Tech
(Post: English)" Residents will soon be able to register and renew their parking cards, plus pay their municipality fines at shopping centres, a senior municipality member of staff said. "
Sharjah Municipality Head of Transport and Freight Department Abdul Rahman Al Mahmoud said: "The new self-service machines will be launched in two weeks and at first only two will be available, one at Mega Mall and the other at Sahara Shopping Centre".
"But a total of nine machines would be placed in other shopping centres as well," Al Mahmoud said.
The machines are a way for residents to buying credit for their pre-paid parking card, renewing parking cards, and transferring credit to another person's parking card.
"The touch-screen machines will also have the option of displaying your parking violations, and also have the option for people to pay off their fines with a credit card and an ATM card," Al Mahmoud said.
The self-service machines could read three types of cards including smart cards, magnetic cards and RFID (radio frequency identification) cards, Al Mahmoud said.
The nine machines cost the municipality nearly Dh1 million and were designed to relieve the pressure on municipality employees.
"But residents will be the ones that gain the most from the self-service machines because they can purchase their parking cards at their own convenience as they will not have to wonder about which municipality building to go to, or worry about not reaching the municipality office before 2pm," he said.
Well Protected
The machines would operate in English and Arabic, and were 99 per cent guaranteed as protected against fraud.
Al Mahmoud said residents would soon be able to renew or purchase parking cards on the internet.
More paid parking would be introduced.
"With regard to the lack of available parking spaces in the city, we are working on that issue and plan to soon incorporate more areas with paid parking zones," Al Mahmoud said.
"The implementation of the parking zones is based on the criteria of how commercial and crowded the areas are."
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