SatuJutaIdea is 2 Months Old
Today is Wednesday, 6th of January, 2010. It's been two month since the official launch of Satu Juta Idea weblog.
As of now, this weblog had shared 369 tips and ideas on how to generate income - mostly thru business - and looking forward to share more ideas with everyone around the world.
Last two month SatuJutaIdea weblog traffic rank was at 13 Million++, but, as of today, according to Alexa, this weblog traffic rank is 4,655,939.
Here's the snapshot from Alexa website:
Posting in this weblog is using Malay Language (Bahasa Melayu), English and Bahasa Indonesia - please use language translator application to translate to your preferred language.
"Satu Juta Idea" which means "One Million Ideas" is originated from Malay Language - which is the official language in Malaysia. Hopefully this weblog will be able to reach one million posts of tips and ideas someday.
We would like to say thank you to all visitors.
Thank you to our Community members.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Hopefully that you'd find something here to inspire you.

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